Installing Packages with Pacman on Arch Linux

sudo pacman curl git fastfetch rclone htop kitty zsh neovim vim emacs firefox docker screen tmux

This command installs the following pacman packages on Arch Linux:

* curl: A command-line tool for transferring data by following URLs.
* git: A tool used for version control systems.
* fastfetch: A tool that allows you to quickly and easily view your system information.
* rclone: A tool used to copy and sync files between cloud storage services.
* htop: A tool that allows you to monitor active processes and system resources in real time.
* kitty: A feature-rich and easy-to-use terminal emulator.
* zsh: A powerful and customizable shell.
* neovim: A text editor designed as a modern alternative to Vim.
* vim: A powerful and customizable text editor.
* emacs: A text processing environment that is a customizable text editor, email client, and more.
* firefox: A popular web browser.
* docker: Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container	
* tmux: Terminal multiplexer	
* screen: Full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal	

Installing Packages with YAY AUR on Arch Linux

## Yet Another Yogurt - An AUR Helper Written in Go
pacman -Sy --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

YAY Command List

yay	## Alias to yay -Syu.
yay <Search Term> ## Present package-installation selection menu.
yay -Bi <dir>	## Install dependencies and build a local PKGBUILD.
yay -G <AUR Package>	## Download PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR. (yay v12.0+)
yay -Gp <AUR Package>	## Print to stdout PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR.
yay -Ps	## Print system statistics.
yay -Syu --devel	## Perform system upgrade, but also check for development package updates.
yay -Syu --timeupdate	## Perform system upgrade and use PKGBUILD modification time (not version number) to determine update.
yay -Wu <AUR Package>	## Unvote for package (Requires setting AUR_USERNAME and AUR_PASSWORD environment variables) (yay v11.3+)
yay -Wv <AUR Package>	## Vote for package (Requires setting AUR_USERNAME and AUR_PASSWORD environment variables). (yay v11.3+)
yay -Y --combinedupgrade --save	## Make combined upgrade the default mode.
yay -Y --gendb	## Generate development package database used for devel update.
yay -Yc	## Clean unneeded dependencies.

Installing Packages with YAY AUR on Arch Linux

yay -S brave-bin lux-dl

This command installs the following YAY AUR packages on Arch Linux:

* brave-bin: Web browser that blocks ads and trackers by default (binary release)	
* lux-dl: Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go